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Parks & Recreation 04/22/13 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of Monday, April 22, 2013
Town Hall, Room 5 at 7pm

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM) , Sergio Coviello(SC),Patricia Fillmore(PF);Ron Kern(RK)
Staff:  Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Maureen Stevens (MS), Lynne Clemens (LC), Marty Tilton (MT),
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
Call to order: 7:011pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  

Acceptance of Minutes:  4/1/13
(PF) Pat Fillmore made a motion to accept the minutes of 4/1/13 as is.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
No discussion had.
                Approved: 5             Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed

New Business
•       Transient Vendors
o       Anna Peppe Application: She has applied for a transient vendor to cook her pizza at Parish Park a couple of days a week, where the hotdog man use to and possibly Mullen field.  Committee thought we already voted on no transient vendors in the Park from last year.  A request was made to table subject and look up previous minutes regarding decision.  Do not want to make a judgment on a single request if we refused transient vendors all together.   MS looking up minutes.
ade a motion to revisit transient vendor policy for 2013 after we research vote from last year.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds motion
Discussion had. Both members withdrew motion.

                (MS) Maureen recapped minutes from 7/16/2012: Cart Vendors
                Motion was approved 3 to 2 vote.

                Committee wants to revisit and discussion was had.

lor:#000000;">        Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.

Old Business
•       2013 Wine & Food: All
o       MS –haven’t received a bill from Hillview Country Club yet.  He said he was only charging us for actual amount in attendance.  We sold 196 tickets.
o       MS- spent less on beer and wine this year.  One Stop Liquors took back left over.
o       MS-passed out a spread sheet breaking down event financials and compared to prior years.

•       Park Director Update (MT)
o       Finished opening all the fields and they are in good shape.
o       Soda vending machine is at the barn and is rekeyed.
o       Elevator at Turf Field was broken, cable snapped.  Has been fixed, it cost $650.
o       Turf field was grooms and treated, cost $2475
o       Athletic Sub Committee meeting-approached Cathy Willis superintendent and asked about fees we pay for use of school facilities in the summer for our summer camps.  She lowered the price by half the cost.  Has gone down to $2500.
o       SC-asked marty about the field size for men’s soccer at IRP and the vicinity of the field as compared to the walk way at IRP.  The balls seem to be extremely close to people walking by and do not want someone getting hurt.  Marty responded that the fields have always been that way.  It is the only way they fit.  Committee suggested coming up with some way to have people be aware of activity such as a sign on pavement painted white with block letter.  Marty Said he will come up with something.

•       Recreation Director Update(LC)
o       Spring/summer Brochure: Brochure is out and registration has begun. Spring light on registrations, weekend classes are doing very well.  
o       Personnel- the monies saved from the decrease on school fees will be used to keep the office assistant summer position as full time. However, Taylor Schille will not be returning as she has an intern opportunity.  Jaime Tringale will be stepping in as summer office assistant. With Jaime moving up it will open up another position at the camp. We are hoping to get the monies from the town budget to help with supporting the counselor positions.  We are waiting until the budget hearing to see what happens.
o       Summer planning-is underway for both summerscape and kid connection.  
o       Century 21 Spindler and O’Neill- Dave O’Neill came into office and spoke to LC about a joint venture in bringing back the “welcome wagon” to new families moving into NR. LC is pursuing idea.
o       Spring Earth day free event- at IRP about 150 kids showed up. The event went wonderful and we made about $400 on concession.

•       Operation Director Update (MS)
o       Budget Hearing- Budget hearing at the BOS meeting is on 4/29/13 MS will be there to hear about monies from town budget to help support P&R and summer staffing.

•       LUC (RM)
o       Craft Fair: going great, SS stated we have received 64 applications already.  

•       CIT Updates (RM):

•       FONRPRC Updates (SS):
o       Relay for Life: We have to make sure that the Relay for Life committee knows they are responsible for making sure there is no drinking on school property during Relay for Life.

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o       Concession Stand at the Turf Field: Rita is proposing the Parks & Recreation give FONRPRC, Inc. management control of the concession stand at the Arthur J. Kenney Turf Field and facility. FONRPRC will send out a letter to everyone involved in using concession stand stating policies and management.
ext Meeting date (SS)
Next Meeting Dates:     May 6th
                        May 20th
•       Adjournment
(PF) Patricia Fillmore made a motion to adjourn meeting at 9:45 pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
                Approved:  5            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0                 
No Discussion-Motion Passed